Louisiana emergency room costs

Louisiana emergency room costs

Anyone rushed to an emergency room in Louisiana may worry about their health and well-being above anything else. However, there could be financial considerations that the patient may need to address after receiving care, and the costs could be high. Some states may come with very high average emergency room costs, and persons living in Louisiana might worry about what their state’s average emergency room bills are.

Lousiana and emergency room costs

Louisiana ranks low on the rankings of emergency room costs. Louisiana appears at number 47 on the list, with the average emergency room visit costing $1,184 before insurance. Be aware that this does not mean the bills for emergency room care after an auto accident will be low.

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The average cost is based on all visits to Louisiana emergency rooms. Someone who doesn’t suffer any apparent injuries may go to an emergency room for an evaluation. Someone could suffer internal injuries and a concussion and not know it. Therefore, seeking a doctor’s care makes sense. A person who requires lifesaving medical care would surely incur costs.

Compensation for auto accident injuries

Even when someone has medical insurance, the policy could come with a high co-pay. Filing a liability insurance claim against a negligent driver could cover those costs. The same may be the case when the injuries after motor vehicle accidents are severe. Fractured skulls and broken necks would require extensive medical care.

The emergency room bill may not be the only cost the victim faces. Serious injuries might involve lengthy rehabilitation after being discharged from the hospital. Someone unable to work after the accident could suffer financial losses. Those losses could grow if the injuries force the person to take a lower-paying job and become unable to return to their original line of work. So, filing a civil lawsuit may be the only way to recover those losses.

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